3 methods to discover cut through traffic
Thanks to navigation tools such as a GPS system in your car or an app on your phone, you will always be presented with the shortest and fastest route. However, there’s one problem: these navigation tools often choose shortcuts instead of main roads. This can cause traffic conflicts and irritation for local residents.
Cities and municipalities of course want their residents to not be bothered by cut through traffic. However, precisely locating cut through traffic can be challenging. Knowledge of residents and the city council is often used to map cut through traffic or they rely on their gut feeling. But how do you know if you have mapped all of it? How often the route is used and especially: when are these routes used the most? At Geo Mobility, we can analyze and visualize these shortcuts. When the city council has gathered objective data, they can inform local residents correctly and quickly.
Three valuable methods
We use three methods to map cut through traffic:
ODIQ Branching analysis
TomTom Traffic analysis
ANPR analysis
ODIQ Branching analysis:
ODIQ's new branching tool allows you to see which routes are recommended for certain start and end points. Once you have selected these start and end points you can start monitoring and view the results in the dashboard. Furthermore, this data is also visualized through the use of graphs. This way it becomes clear which routes are the most recommended during off-peak and peak hours.
TomTom Traffic analysis
If you already know which shortcuts are being used, TomTom's Traffic analysis allows you to view various statistics about these specific routes. For example, you can see the average speed (or the V85) per day, week, month, year or even in real time. Depending on the size of the analysis, the results will be displayed within minutes. Even if you analyze a large zone, you will be able to see the results within 24 hours. Furthermore, this method allows you to perform an Origin Destination analysis, however, there are other valuable tools that can do this as well, such as CCTV or ANPR cameras.
ANPR analysis
An ANPR analysis can of course help you to detect flows on the street. Although this method can track all cars, it is often used for a relatively short period of time. In addition, the ANPR analysis is one of the most expensive options.
By using the three methods above or a combination, adjusting your circulation is almost an easy task 🙂. If you would like more information... don't hesitate! Michiel is always happy to help.