Geo Mobility optimizes visitor flow in commercial areas of Brussels
Brucity, part of the Brussels government, was looking for a way to increase the number of visitors in their shopping areas.
The important questions:
Where do we best place signs to guide visitors to one of the 12 shopping districts?
In addition, how can we encourage visitors to come by bike or on foot instead of taking their car?
Anonymised telecom data
To understand the best possible location for the signs, we examined the most used routes per transport mode: car, public transport, bicycle or on foot. Next, we identified all origin destination relations for more than 10,000 points in the Brussels region using anonymized telecom data. By extrapolating these data sources, we obtained an accurate view of how often visitors go to a particular shopping area.
Per transport mode, we examined the best routes to each of the 12 shopping areas. By plotting these routes in combination with various other data sources, we were able to determine the ideal location for the signs. For each shopping street, a specific sign was developed with the following information: direction, distance and duration depending on the mode. In a blink of an eye, a visitor will understand the most effective way to get to a specific shopping area. The goal is to get visitors to use a greener alternative. A few months after the signs were installed, we assessed the impact using Telecom data.
“Om Brusselaars en bezoekers van de stad te begeleiden, is er bewegwijzering aangebracht vanaf de binnenring die leidde naar de commerciële districten van Brussel. Het doel: het shoppend publiek aanmoedigen van de ene wijk naar de andere te gaan door inzicht te krijgen in de nabijheid en de bereikbaarheid van elke wijk per type vervoermiddel.
GeoMobility voerde deze analyse voor ons uit. De samenwerking verliep zeer vlot, efficiënt en professioneel, met een grote nadruk op hun knowhow in het communiceren en uitleggen van de verzamelde gegevens.” - Katia Jacques-Serres
Wish to know more?
Curious to know how objective traffic data can be used in your city or municipality? Contact Michiel Van Hove!